Let’s go to summer festivals in Japan!! ~The difference between “Omatsuri” and “En-nichi”~

仏教(ぶっきょう): Buddhism

Japanese article is here; https://japaneselanguagesalonbymikapanda.com/lets-go-to-summer-festival-2510

At first

Hello everyone! This is MIKA.

Suddenly speaking, summer is the season of festivals in Japan!!

Because of that, each shrines and temples helds summer festivals or fire works display are hold in some places.

At the place of summer festival, there are so many stands to sell some kinds of foods or play games, and they make an exciting atmosphere.

By the way, do you know the difference between “Omatsuri”, “En-nichi”, “Bonodori-dance” and “Fireworks display”?

This time, I’ll write the article about it!

What is “Omatsuri”?

“Omatsuri” is the event to appreciate summer’s hervest for Japanese Gods.

Like the movie, it’s the usual style to take “Omikoshi”, a portable shrine going around their city, but the style of “Omatsuri” is different for each areas.

Nebuta-matsuri・Aomori and Kagoshima prefecture

“Nebuta” is like a lamp made from a bamboo or a wire and a drown peper.

The theme of thir pictures are Kabuki or Kyougen.

Awa-odori-dance・Tokushima prefecture

“Awaodiri-dance” is the special Bonodori-dance in Tokushima prefecture. It helds around the season of Obon, from 13th to 15th August.

There are some opinions of its origin, and it has about 400 years histories.

Now a days, as a revitalization of a town, it helds also at Kouenji in Tokyo and Minami-koshigaya in Saitama prefecture.

What is “En-nichi”?

The original meaning of “Ennnichi” is “The day which Japanese Gods or Buddhism Gods are coming to our world to give us happiness.”

On these days, many people come to a shrine or a temple naturally; because of that, many stands appear the street before a shrine or a temple. This is the beginning of “En-nichi” today.

At some stands of “En-nichi”, we can play some games like “Taking a gold fish”, “Taking a yoyo of a water balloon” and so on.

Also we can buy and take Takoyaki, Okonomiyaki, a broiled sweet corn, a candy of an apple at the stand!

What is “Fireworks display”?

“Fireworks display” is the contest of fireworks.

In some foreign countries, people watch fireworks at the beginning of the new year or on the day of the anniversary of victory, however, we watch fireworks in summer in Japan.

The origin of fireworks display in Japan was in 1773, Edo era. At that time, a lot of people had been dead because of a starvation and an epidemic.

That’s why fireworks display has started to mourn for the dead at Sumidagawa-river. It has been continued to today.

And then, Nagaoka-hanabi-festival in Niigata prefecture, one of the most famous fireworks displays, it’s the symbol of the revival from Chuetsu Earthquake in 2004.

Final comment

How was it?

In Japan, each areas held “Omatsuri”, “En-nnichi”, “Bonodori-dance” and “Fireworks display”. So check it before visiting Japan and go to there!

And, I recommend you to take Yukata or Jinbei(Japanese dress for men) for summer festival! I wish it will be one of your best memories.

About my class of Japanese language

And if you’re interested in my class of Japanese language, please check this article; https://japaneselanguagesalonbymikapanda.com/mika-panda-online-school

