Japanese Grammer 2: To ask someone’s job, nationality, and age

Mika Panda Method

Hello everyone!

This is the index of this article; it’s based on “Minna-no-nihongo” Part 1.

「~は…ですか。」: To ask someone’s job

When you ask to someone about his/her job, say 「~(name)さんは…(job)ですか。」

And if he/she deny the question, they say 「いいえ、私は…ではありません。私は〇〇です。」

OK, let’s pracrice and remember!

「~さんは…人(じん)ですか。」:To ask someone’s nationality

When you ask someone’s nationality, say 「~(name)さんは…人(nationality)ですか。」

And if he/she deny the question, they say 「いいえ、私は…人ではありません。私は〇〇人です。」

OK, let’s pracrice and remember!

「あの人(ひと)は~さんですか。」:Is that person ~ ?

When you ask someone’s name, say 「あの人は~(name)さんですか。」

And “That person” is 「あの人」.

OK, let’s pracrice and remember!


And when you ask other person’s name, say 「では、あの人はだれですか。」

「では」is “And then”, 「だれ」is “Who”.

And 「ご主人(しゅじん)」means “hasband”.

OK, let’s pracrice and remember!


「高校(こうこう)」means “high school”, and 「学生(がくせい)」means ” a student”.

And 「BのC」is “C of B” in English.

OK, let’s pracrice and remember!

OK, let’s pracrice and remember!


「AもBです。」:A is also B. / A is B, too.

If you want to say “A is also B” or “A is B, too.”, say 「AもBです。」

OK, let’s pracrice and remember!

「何歳(なんさい)ですか。」「~歳です。」:To ask and answer the age

When you tell your age in Japanese, say「私は~(number)歳(さい)です。」

OK, let’s pracrice and remember!



And when you ask someone’s age, say 「~さんは何歳(なんさい)ですか。」


「~は…ですか。」: To ask someone’s job

The answer is …

「~さんは…人(じん)ですか。」:To ask someone’s nationality

The answer is …

「あの人(ひと)は~さんですか。」:Is that person ~ ?

The answer is …


The answer is …



The answer is …


The answer is …

「AもBです。」:A is also B. / A is B, too.

The answer is …

「何歳(なんさい)ですか。」「~歳です。」:To ask and answer the age

The answer is …


The answer is …


The answer is …

Final comment

How was it? Can you remember all of the sentences?

To remember the sample sentences is very important, so please continue!

Then, see you next time!

