Let’s work at a cafe or a restaurant in Japan!!

日本での仕事(しごと): Working in Japan

Hello, this is MIKA!

By the way, if you study in Japan, do you want to work as a part time job?

According to the investigation, around 90% of the students studying in Japan want to work as a part time job.

The ranking of popular job is; the first one is at hotel, the second one is at a cafe or a restautant, and the third one is at a convenient store.

So, this time, I’ll introduce you some Japanese phrases to work at a cafe or a restautant!

Before sitting the seat


When guests come to your cafe or restaurant, say 「いらっしゃいませ」”Irassyai-mase” at first; it means “Welcome”.


And then, ask 「何名様ですか?」”Nammei-sama-desuka?”; it means “How many persons?”


When you guide the guest to the seat, say 「こちらへどうぞ。」”Kochira-e-douzo”; it means “Follow me” or “Take this seat”.

Or, if the guest booked the table, ask their name, and take them to their seat.

After sitting the seat


When you give a menu, say 「失礼(しつれい)いたします。こちらがメニューになります。」”Shiturei-itashimasu. Kochira-ga-menu-ni-narimasu”; it means “Excuse me, it’s a menu”.

After that, bring a cup of water. In Japan, it’s a free drink!

When you bring a cup of water(“Ohiya” in Japanese), say 「失礼いたします。こちら、お冷(ひや)になります。」”Shitsurei-itashimasu. Kochira, ohiya-ni-narimasu”.

And also say 「ご注文(ちゅうもん)がお決(き)まりになりましたら、お呼(よ)びください。」”Gochuumon-ga-okimari-ni-narimasitara-oyobi-kudasai”; it means “After desiding the order, please call us”.


When the guest call you by saying 「すみません」”Sumimasen”, go to there and say「お待(ま)たせいたしました。ご注文をお伺いいたします。」”Omatase-itashimashita. Gochuumon-wo-oukagai-itashimasu”; it means “I’m sorry to make you waiting. I will take your order”.

And finally, check the order surely before you go to other place.

“Is the order correct?” is 「ご注文は以上(いじょう)でよろしいでしょうか。」”Gochuumon-wa-ijou-de-yoroshii-desyouka?”.

And if the guest say yes, 「かしこまりました。しばらくお待ちくださいませ。」”Kashikomari-mashita. Shibaraku-omachi-kudasai-mase”; it means “OK, please wait for a moment”.


When you bring a food or a drink to the table, say 「お待たせいたしました。」”Omatase-itashi-mashita”; it means “Thank you for waiting”.

And if you bring a cup of coffee, say 「こちら、コーヒーになります。」”Kochira, coufee-ni-narimasu”; “It’s a cup of coffee”.

And if you bring a curry and rice, 「こちら、カレーになります。」”Kochira, karee-ni-narimasu”; “This is a curry and rice”.


After putting a food or a drink, say 「ごゆっくりどうぞ。」”Goyukkuri-douzo”; it means “Take your time”.



Recently, we can pay by not only a cash but also a credit card, and a cellphone!

So when you want to ask the guest “How do you want to pay?”, say 「お支払い方法はいかがなさいますか?」”Oshiharai-houhou-wa-ikaga-nasaimasu-ka?”.


And finally we say 「またのお越しをお待ちしております。」”Mata-no-okoshi-wo-omachi-shite-ori-masu”; “We’re looking forward to seeing you again”.

Final comment

How was it?

You have to say “Keigo” for the guest and sometimes it’s difficult, but if you’re interested in working at a cafe or a restaurant, let’s challenge!!

I wish the kind colleagues will teach you the phreases and manners!


