The quiz of “Keigo”!! ~”Sonkeigo” vs “Kenjougo”~


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Hello, this is MIKA!

I’ve written about “Keigo”; the difference between “Sonkeigo” and “Kenjougo”, but you need to practice to know more!

That’s why I made the quiz of “Keigo”!!

Just try it whether you have confidence or not!

The quiz

「来(く)る」: To come

*先生(せんせい):a teacher, 家(いえ):home, 母親(ははおや):a mother, 生徒(せいと):a student

Firstly, you should think “Who is the subject and who is the speaker?”

The subject of this sentence is 「先生(せんせい)」, the teacher. And the speaker is 「母親(ははおや)」,the mother.

The direction of respect(敬意:けいい) comes from the mother, so the teacher, the subject is in upper place for the speaker(the mother). 

That’s why the correct answer is No.3; 「いらっしゃいました」, it’s “Sonkeigo” of 「来(き)た」,”came”.

「行(い)く」:To go

*行(い)きました:went to ~, 伺(うかが)いました:went to ~, visited ~, asked ~

The subject of this sentence is “the teacher”, same as before.

However, the speaker is also “the teacher”.

Then, the direction of respect comes from teacher, so the mother is in upper place for the teacher(the speaker). 

Finally, the subject, the teacher is in under place, that’s why the correct answer is No.3; 「伺(うかが)いました」 is “Kenjougo” of 「行(い)きました」,”went to~”.

In addition, 「来(こ)られました」is “Sonkeigo” of 「来(く)る」,”To come”.

「知(し)っている」: Already known

Let’s think “Who is the subject and who is the speaker” again.

In this case, the subject is the mother of the student(B) and the speaker is the teacher.

The teacher say 「お母様(かあさま)」to the mother of the student(B), and 「お父様(とうさま)」to the father of the student(B).

And the direction of respect comes from the teacher(speaker), it means the mother(subject) is upper side for the teacher(speaker).

That’s why the correct answer is No.1; 「ご存(ぞん)じですか。」. It’s “Sonkeigo” of 「知(し)っていますか」, “To know”.

On the contrary, how about the case that the mother of the student(B) say anything to the teacher?

In this case, the subject is the mother, however, the speaker is also the mother of the student(B).

And the direction of respect comes from the mother(speaker) to the teacher, so the teacher is in upper place for the mother of student(B).

That’s why the correct answer is No.2; 「存(ぞん)じ上(あ)げています。」. It’s “Kenjougo” of 「知(し)っています」, “Already known”.

「食(た)べる」: To eat

Next, there is a young lady and her steward.

Of course the lady is in upper place for her steward. And the subject of this sentence is the lady, that’s why the correct answer is No.2; 「召(め)し上(あ)がっています。」. It’s “Sonkeigo” of 「食(た)べています」, “To be eating”.

And then, if the lady is in the under place for someone and the subject is also her,

the direction of respect comes from the lady to the chef.

That’s why the correct answer is No.3;「頂(いただ)いています。」. It’s “Kenjougo” of 「食(た)べています」.

「見(み)る」:To watch

Next, it’s the case of “Senpai(upper grade student)” and “Kouhai(under grade student)”.

Of course “Senpai” is in upper place and the subject is also “Senpai”, so the direction of respect comes from “Kouhai” to “Senpai”.

That’s why the correct answer is No.1 and No.2.

「ご覧(らん)になる」 is “Kenjougo” of 「見(み)る」, “To watch(see, look at)”.

And then, because「見てくださっている」is “Sonkeigo” of 「見てくれている」, also No.2 is correct answer.

Nect, let’s think about the place of “Senpai”.

The direction of respect comes from “Senpai” to the picture of “Kouhai”, it means “Senpai” is in under place for the picture of “Kouhai”.

And the subject is “Senpai”, the speaker is also “Senpai”.

That’s why the correct answer is No.3; 「拝見(はいけん)しています。」. It’s “Kenjougo” of 「見(み)ています」,”To be watching(seeing, looking at)”.

However, No.2「見(み)ています」 is also correct because it’s “Teineigo” of 「見ている」,”To be watching(seeing, looking at)”.

In addition,「お目(め)にかかる」is “Kenjougo” of 「会(あ)う」, “To meet”.

「聞(き)く」「音楽を聴(き)く」: To listen to (music)

In this case, of course the subject and speaker is the man, but please pay attention.

Is there the direction of respect? No, there isn’t.

It means there isn’t the object to pay his respect, so the correct answer is whether “Sonkeigo” nor “Kenjougo”.

However, this man pay his respect to the listener, the correct answer is No.1「聞(き)いています」, “Teineigo” of 「聞いている」, “To be listening”!

「わかる」「理解(りかい)する」: To understand

*「会社(かいしゃ)」:a company

This is the scene of interview in a company.

The woman is asking to the student of a university who is finding his job.

First, the subject is the student and the speaker is the woman.

Then, because the direction of respect comes from the woman to the student, it means the student(subject) is in upper place for the woman(speaker).

That’s why the correct answer is No.2「おわかりになりましたか」 and No.4「ご理解いただけましたか」, they are “Sonkeigo” of 「わかります」「理解(りかい)します」, “To understand”.

And when the student answer to the woman, the direction of respect comes from the student to the woman, so the student is in under place for the woman.

Which is the correct answer?

It’s No.3 and No.4, they are “Kenjougo” of 「わかりました」,”I understood”.

「読(よ)む」: To read

Next, it’s the case of a boss and a subordinate.

Of course the boss is the subject and he is in the upper place.

That’s why the correct answer is No.1; 「読(よ)んでくださっている」, it’s “Sonkeigo” of 「読んでくれている」.

Then, let’s think about the place of the boss.

The direction of respect comes from the boss to the article written by the subordinate.

That’s why the correct answer is No.2「読(よ)んでいます」【Teineigo】and No.4「拝読(はいどく)しています」【Kenjougo】.

「帰(かえ)る」: To go back

This is the final question.

How do you think?

The correct answer is No.2「帰(かえ)られます」and No.3「お帰りになります」!

Because the direction of respect comes from the mother(speaker) to the teacher(in the upper place), and the subject is the teacher.

Both「~られます」and「お~になります」are the expression of 【Sonkeigo】, so plase be careful!

Final comment

How was it?

Is it difficult for you yet?

First, you have to understand the difference between 【Sonkeigo】and【Kenjougo】to tell them.

Sonkeigo’s subject is the person who is in the upper place, and Kenjougo’s subject is the person who is in under place.

And then, if the direction of respect comes from the subject to the listener or reader, you should use 【Teineigo】.

After understanding their difference, remember the conjugation of Sonkeigo, Kenjougo and Teineigo for each verbs!

It’s too difficult to understand and use for foreigners, however, you can work in Japanese company if you master them!!

If you don’t want to do that, Japanese people respect you after mastering them, so do your best!!

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