Let’s work at Japanese convenience store!!

日本での仕事(しごと): Working in Japan

Japanese article is here; https://japaneselanguagesalonbymikapanda.com/lets-work-at-a-convenience-store-2151

At first

Hello, this is MIKA!

Anyway, if you study in Japan, do you want to work at Japanese convenience store as a part-time job?

It’s too hard to work in there because there are so many things to remember, but if you’d like to get a job in Japanese company, it should be a very strong selling point!

So, I’ll introduce you some Japanese phrases to work in a convenience store!

Basic phrases

Irasshai-mase! : Welcome to our store!

Say 「いらっしゃいませ」(Irasshai-mase) clearly when a customer come to the store or the register. It’s a perfect to say it with a smile!!

Customers say nothing, however, they have a good inpression of you if you say it clearly with a smile.

Irasshaimase. Oazukari-itashimasu.: Welcome. Let’s start an accounting.

Say it when a customer come to the register.

In addition, if there is a line and the customer waited over 5 minutes, say 「お待(ま)たせいたしました。」(Omatase-itashimashita.) or「大変(たいへん)お待たせいたしました。」(Taihen-omatase-itashimashita.) at first before saying「お預(あず)かりいたします。」(Oazukari-itashimasu).

*「お待(ま)たせいたしました。」(Omatase-itashimashita.) is “I’m sorry to make you waiting.”

*「大変(たいへん)お待たせいたしました。」(Taihen-omatase-itashimashita.) is “I’m very sorry to make you waiting.”

“Regi-bukuro-wa-otuke-itashi-masuka?”: Do you need a plastic bag?

In fact, in Japan, a plastic bag is not free!

Because of that, ask the customer whether he/she buys a plastic bag or puts goods into his/her eco-bag.

If the customer says 「いいえ、結構(けっこう)です。」(Iie, kekkou-desu.) or「大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)です。」(Daijoubu-desu.), it means he/she has a bag for shopping(It’s called Eco-bag, or My bag in Japan) , so let him/her put goods into his/her bag.

And, if the customer don’t need a plastic bag and have a shopping bag, he/she will say「そのままでお願(ねが)いします」(Sonomama-de-onegai-shimasu.).

Or, if the item is only one, ask「こちら、そのままでよろしいでしょうか?」(Kochira, sonomama-de-yoroshii-desyouka?) to the customer.

If yes, just put a tape of the store to the item.

*「そのままでお願(ねが)いします」(Sonomama-de-onegai-shimasu.): I don’t need a plastic bag.

*「こちら、そのままでよろしいでしょうか?」(Kochira, sonomama-de-yoroshii-desyouka?): Don’t you need a plastic bag?

*「いいえ、結構(けっこう)です。」(Iie, kekkou-desu.): No, I don’t need it.

*「大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)です。」(Daijoubu-desu.): No, I don’t need it.

Kochira-wa-oatatame-shimasuka?: Do you want me to warm it up?

There are micro-waves back of the registers, they can give us something to eat after warming it up.

Because of that, ask「こちらはお温(あたた)めしますか?」(Kochira-wa-oatatame-shimasuka?) or「温(あたた)めますか?」(Atatamemasuka?) definitely if there is something which we can warm up!

*「こちらはお温(あたた)めしますか?」(Kochira-wa-oatatame-shimasuka?): Do you want me to warm it up?

*「温(あたた)めますか?」(Atatamemasuka?) :It’s more casual than 「こちらはお温(あたた)めしますか?」.

If the customer says「はい、お願(ねが)いします。」(Hai, onegai-shimasu.), say 「かしこまりました。」(Kashikomari-mashita.) and warm it up. If the customer says 「いいえ、結構(けっこう)です。」(Iie,kekkou-desu.) or「大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)です。」(Daijoubu-desu.), say 「かしこまりました。」(Kashikomari-mashita.) and put it into a bag.

*「かしこまりました。」(Kashikomari-mashita.) : OK, I see.

Ohashi, fork, spoon-wa-otsuke-itashi-masuka?: Do you need chop sticks, a fork, or a spoon?

And, if the customer buys a lunch box, ask「お箸(はし)はおつけいたしますか」(Ohashi-wa-otsuke-itashi-masuka?), in the case of a pasta, ask「フォークはおつけいたしますか」(Fork-wa-otsuke-itashi-masuka?), in the case of a curry and rice, 「スプーンはおつけいたしますか」(Spoon-wa-otsuke-itashi-masuka).

If he/she says「はい、お願(ねが)いします」(Hai, onegai-shimasu), put it into the bag. If he/she says「いいえ、結構(けっこう)です。」「大丈夫です。」, reply「失礼(しつれい)いたしました。」(Shitsurei-itashi-mashita.) or「恐(おそ)れ入(い)ります。」(Osore-irimasu.) and don’t put it into the bag.

*「失礼(しつれい)いたしました。」(Shitsurei-itashi-mashita.) : I’m sorry.

*「恐(おそ)れ入(い)ります。」(Osore-irimasu.): I’m sorry. → Sometimes we say it in place of “Thank you.” for customers.

Point-card-wa-omochi-desyouka?: Do you have a point-card?

It may be same as your country, there is so many kinds of “Point-cards” in Japan!!

And it depends on the kind of the store the card is available or not, so you need to check which kind of the point cards the customer can use.

Additionally, if you didn’t ask to the customer to have the point-card or not, they might make a complaint later, so do not forget to ask it.

Oshiharai-houhou-wa-ikaga-nasaimasuka?: How do you pay?

Recently, cashless systems have been advanced so speedy and we have so many ways to pay.

A credit-card, an IC card for a traffic, a bar coad for payment…customers can pay by all of them at conveniece stores, so if you work there, study the way to operate one by one!

Receipt-wa-goriyou-ni-narimasuka?: Do you need the receipt?

Finally, ask「レシートはご利用(りよう)になりますか?」to the customer.

If he/she says「領収書(りょうしゅうしょ)をお願(ねが)いします。」(Ryou-syuu-syo-wo-onegai-shimasu), you have to write and give it for him/her. Ask how to write it other workers.

*「領収書(りょうしゅうしょ)をお願(ねが)いします。」(Ryou-syuu-syo-wo-onegai-shimasu): Please give me the receipt.

Arigatou-gozaimashita. Mata-okoshi-kudasai-mase. : Thank you. Please come again.

Say it after an accounting and give the items for the customer.

In addition, 「またお越(こ)しくださいませ」(Mata-okoshi-kudasai-mase) is “Sonkei-go” of 「また来(き)てください」(Mata-kite-kudasai.).

Other phrases

Otearai-wo-okari-shitemo-iidesuka?: Can I use a toilet?

「お手洗(てあら)い」(Otearai) is a politer word of a toilet.

There are many persons who visit a convenience store to use a toilet, so if you are asked, say 「どうぞ、あちらです。」(Douzo, achira-desu.) and point it by your hand.

~ wa-dochira(doko)-ni-arimasuka? : Where is ~ ?

Also, there is the case that you’re asked by customers the place of some items. When you’re asking, stop working and guide the customer.

If there are some items, say「こちらになります。」(Kochira-ni-narimasu.). If there isn’t, say 「申(もう)し訳(わけ)ございません。ただいま品切(しなぎ)れ中(ちゅう)でございまして…」(Moushiwake-gozaimasen. Tadaima-sinagire-chuu-de-gozaimashite…) to apologize.

*「こちらになります。」(Kochira-ni-narimasu.): They are here.

*「申(もう)し訳(わけ)ございません。ただいま品切(しなぎ)れ中(ちゅう)でございまして…」(Moushiwake-gozaimasen. Tadaima-sinagire-chuu-de-gozaimashite…): We’re very sorry. Now they’re sold out.

When customers order “Oden”

Suprisingly, Japanese convenience stores start to sell “Oden” by September even it’s still hot!!

In convenience stores, customers order the items and worker put it into the case, so it’s helpful to remember the name of items.

When customers order “Niku-man”, a steamed meat bun

Also, there are so many kinds of “Niku-man” between the registers!!

They are similar to others, so please be careful not to mistake!

Final comment

How was it?

It’s hard to work at a convenience store, but it’s very good opportunity to practice Japanese and you have a chance to meet someone who is from the same country because many foreigners are working there!!

However, it’s decided that “Foreigners who can work as a part-time job never work over 28 hours per a week” by the Immigration Control Law, so please pay attention for it!

About my class of Japanese language

And if you’re interested in my class of Japanese language, please check this article; https://japaneselanguagesalonbymikapanda.com/mika-panda-online-school

