Let’s take Japanese breads!!

日本食(にほんしょく): Japanese foods

Japanese article is here; https://japaneselanguagesalonbymikapanda.com/lets-eat-japanese-bread-2908

Hello, this is MIKA!

Suddenly speaking, have you ever taken “Japanese bread”?

Of course a bread had come from Western countries, they has developed originally in Japan, and finally a lot of “Japanese original breads” had been born!!

That’s why I’ll tell you some kinds of Japanese breads and the history of bread in Japan!

Japanese original breads


First, I’ll introduce you “Melon-pan”!     *”Pan” means “a bread”.

However, a real melon hasn’t been used to cook!

The reason why we call it “Melon-pan” is the lattice pattern is similar to a melon.

And even if we can’t feel the taste of a real melon, it’s the representative of Japanese breads children and adults like very much!

The cookie dough of outside is the characteristic of “Melon-pan”!


“An-pan” is a bread which is including “An(ko)”; “Japanese bean jam”.

If you don’t hate bean jam, I hope you try to take it!

And then, recently “An-butter-sand-bread” is on trend in Japan!

The marriage of “An(ko)/bean jam” and butter is superb taste, so many people love it!

In addition, I recommend you to put some bean jam on a toast like a picture♪


“Curry-pan” is fried-bread which is including Japanese curry!

If you like Japanese curry, please try it!

By the way, why they are fried, not baked? The answer is that curry roux has a lot of moisture, it’s not good to bake.


“Cream-pan” is the bread which has a custard cream inside.

Cream-corone(Horn-shaped bread) and Chocolate-corone

And then, the bread looks like a snail is called “Corone” in Japan.

General one is “Cream-corone”, and “Chocolate-corone”.


We can surely say “This is Japanese bread”!!

First, “Yakisoba” is a kind of Japanese noodle dishes which is cooked with a sause, vegetables and pork.

And “Yakisoba-pan” is the bread which is including “Yakisoba”!!

This is the colavolation of carbohydrates…only teen-ager can take it!

“Katsu-sand” and “Egg-sand”

“Katsu-sand” is a sandwich which has “A fried-pork-cutlet(Katsu in Japanese)”!

The origin of “Katsu-sand” is “Isen”, the restaurant of a fried-pork-cutlet.

The first hostess of “Isen” thought to cook a handy food not to remove lipstick of Geisya…This was the occasion to cook “Katsu-sand”.

And there is “Egg-sand”, it’s also popular in Japan!


“Pizza-toast” is a toast which tastes like a pizza by putting a cheese, tomato-sause, hams, and a green pepper.

Not only “Pizza-toast”, there are many kinds of Japanese toast like “The toast of whitebait and mayonnaise”!


“Mentai(ko)-France” is the baguet(It’s “Frace-pan” in Japan”) with spicy cod roe and mayonnaise.

First, “Mentaiko” is cod roe which is tasted by a red pepper.

And, Japanese people call them “France-pan” (but sometimes we call it “a baguet”).

That’s why “Mentai(ko)-France” is “a baguet pasted spicy cod roe”.

A toast

“A toast” is mainly called “Syoku-pan” in Japan.

Of course a toast is also taken in Western countries, however, Japanese toast is soft and sweet, so please try it not to paste or put anything!

The history of a bread in Japan

The Society of Jesus brong a bread to Japan

At the end of 16th century, the missionaries of The Society of Jesus come to Tanegashima, one of the islands of Japan.

They told Japanese people Christianity, the skill to make a gun, and “Pan”.

The reason why Japanese people call “Pan”, not a bread, is the missionaries of The Society of Jesus were Portuguese; “A bread” is “Pao” in Portuguese.

However, the culture of a bread hadn’t spread at that time.

The culture of a bread had developed from the end of Edo era



The Opium War【1840~1842】 was an occasion that the culture of a bread had started again.

After The Opium War, Edo Shogunate Government thought UK would attack to Japan, and had an opinion that a bread was suitable as a food for soldiers because it was light enought to bring.

Finally, UK didn’t attack to Japan after The Opium War. But Edo Shogunate Government concluded Treaty of Amity with some Western countries in 1858, and opened the country.

After that, some bakeries were born at the foreign concessions like Yokohama, Nagasaki, Hakodate and so on; then Japanese original cultutre of breads has developed.

Final comment


How was it?

Like some breads on this article, there are many unique breads in Japan!

Of course the menu is different for each bakeries, so if you want to try a lot of Japanese breads, visit many bakeries♪

About my class of Japanese language

And if you’re interested in my class of Japanese language, please check this article; https://japaneselanguagesalonbymikapanda.com/mika-panda-online-school


