About Japanese Valentine’s Day! ~Why girls give a chocolate to boys?~

日本の学校(がっこう)生活: Japanese School Life

Japanese article is here; https://japaneselanguagesalonbymikapanda.com/japanese-valentines-day-1421

Mysterious Japanese Valentine’s Day

Hello, this is MIKA!

It’s already the middle of February, how are you doing?

By the way, after “Setsubun” in 3rd Febryary, we have to be ready for “Valentine’s Day”!

Speaking of “Valentine’s Day” on 14th February, it’s the day for lovers and married couple to make sure each other’s love in Westurn countries. And it’s ordinary that men give a present to women.

However, in Japan, it’s the day women or girls give a chocolate for men or boys!!

Why it’s upset as Westurn way? And why they have to give a chocolate only?

This time, I’ll tell you about Japanese mysterious Valentine’s Day!

Why women or girls give a chocolate for men or boys?

Suddenly speaking, have you ever read Japanese manga of a school life or for girls?

If yes, you’ve read the scene like that, haven’t you?

“I like you, please be my boyfriend!!”

……Saying like that, and she gives a chocolate for boy who the girl likes, and he receives it and says thanks and something.

For Japanese, it’s quite natural scene. But it’s very incomprehensible for foreigners.

Anyway, for Japanese women and girls, “Valentine’s Day” is the day to give a chocolate for men or boys to confess their love.

The reason why is that, there are some opinions of the origin, but the most prevailing one is the campaign of a certain snack maker which had started in 1950s.

In the other words, it was the strategy of the snack maker to sell chocolates.

However, it has become established in 1970s, that’s why February is the best month to sell chocolates every year!

Most of women like sweets, and chocolates encourage them to confess their love; that’s why this custom had spread step by step.

The kinds of chocolates of Valentine’s Day

Then, you might think I say a strange thing, but there are the kinds of chocolates of Valentine’s Day in Japan!!

本命(Hommei)チョコ:The chocolate for the person someone loves

First of all, “Hommei-chocolate”. “Hommei” means “The person who someone loves”, so it’s the chocolate for the boyfriend, the husband, and man or boy who she loves.

義理(Giri)チョコ:The obligatory chocolate

Next, about “Giri-chocolate”. “Giri” means “Obligation”, so it’s the chocolate men or boys who are kind and helpful for someone, but without a feelings of love.

In the case of the school, girls give a chocolate for familiar boys and someones who belong to the same club. In the case of an office, women give a chocolate for her boss, senior and younger workers, and colleagues in the same post.

However, it’s impossible to judge they really feel an appreciation for men or boys who receive “Giri-chocolate”, so pay attention!!

The reason is that women and girls can give a chocolate for someone who they hate!!

So, be aware of “Giri-chocolate” not to be elated like the man of the illustration under here…

However, recently “Giri-chocolate” has started to go out of fashion.

友(Tomo)チョコ:The chocolate for friends

In these days, there is the custom to give a chocolate for friends each other, not for men or boys. We call it “Tomo-chocolate”, and “Tomo” means “Friend” in Japanese.

What is “White Day”?

By the way, it’s common matter that 14th February is Valentine’s Day around the world, however, there is “White Day” only in Japan!!

“White Day” is on 14th March; on that day, men or boys, who received a chocolate by women or girls on Valentine’s Day, have to return something for them!!

Even if it was “Giri-chocolate”, you may have a trouble if you don’t return for her, so it’s better to be ready!!

A present of “White Day” has the meaning!!

Moreover, in the case of the return of “Hommei-chocolate”, the man or boy have to answer for the confession of love with the present of “White Day”. Japanese men and boys have a hard task!!

If he says “Yes”

If he accepts the confession and be her lover, he gives “candies” for her.

Because a candy does’t melt soon in a mouth and its taste continues longer than other snacks.

To sum up, it means “Be lover for a long time”.

If he says “No”

In the opposite case, if he doesn’t accept it politely, he gives “marshmallows”.

Because it melts soon in the mouth.

In addition, there is the opinion that “White” of “White Day” is the color of a marshmallow.

The “Marshmallow Day”, which has the concept that “Instead of the rejection of the confection, return soft marshmallows for her by covering her love with them”, was the beginning of “White Day”.

If he want her to be a friend as before

If he doesn’t want to be a couple but want her to be his friend as before, he gives her some cookies.

Because cookies are light, it means “Keep a light relationship”.

Chocolate has no meaning!

Surprisingly, the chocolate for “White Day” doesn’t have a special meaning!

That’s why a chocolate is the safest return for “Giri-chocolate”!

Final comment

How was it?

I felt at myself that Japan is the strange country!! XD

It’s the best theme of a manga for girls, but I want to pay attention especially for foreign men and boys who move to Japan to live!!

If you receive a chocolate and can’t judge it’s “Hommei” or “Giri”, take counsel with man or woman about Japanese Valentine’s Day and White Day.

…What? About me? I’ll cook a gateau au chocolat with my mother and eat it together.

Anyway, enjoy Japanese Valentine’s Day and White Day with the way you like!

About my class of Japanese language

And if you’re interested in my class of Japanese language, please check this article; https://japaneselanguagesalonbymikapanda.com/mika-panda-online-school

