文法(ぶんぽう):Grammer Japanese Grammer 1: To say your name, nationality and job This article is to learn Japanese Grammer to tell your name, nationality and job. 2024.09.22 文法(ぶんぽう):Grammer
オノマトペ: Onomatopoeias 感情(かんじょう)のオノマトペ 喜(よろこ)び、怒(いか)り、悲(かな)しみ、楽(たの)しみ…… 様々な感情表現にも、オノマトペを使うことができます! 2024.09.17 オノマトペ: Onomatopoeias
日本での仕事(しごと): Working in Japan Let’s work at a cafe or a restaurant in Japan!! Are you interested in working at a cafe or a restaurant in Japan? If yes, let's learn the phreases to work there!! 2024.07.25 日本での仕事(しごと): Working in Japan
日本食(にほんしょく): Japanese foods Let’s take Japanese breads!! This article introduces you some kinds of Japanese original breads and the history of breads in Japan. 2024.07.20 日本食(にほんしょく): Japanese foods
日本人の生活(せいかつ):Life of Japanese 日本のパンを食(た)べてみよう! この記事(きじ)では、日本におけるパンの歴史(れきし)と、日本にしかないユニークなパンを紹介(しょうかい)しています。 2024.07.08 日本人の生活(せいかつ):Life of Japanese日本食(にほんしょく): Japanese foods
オノマトペ: Onomatopoeias Japanese onomatopoeias which are related raining and water The article introduces you some Japanese onomatopoeias which are related raining and water. 2024.07.07 オノマトペ: Onomatopoeias
オノマトペ: Onomatopoeias Japanese onomatopoeias for eating and drinking This article introduces you some Japanese onomatopoeias for eating and drinking. 2024.07.06 オノマトペ: Onomatopoeias
オノマトペ: Onomatopoeias 「食事(しょくじ)」のオノマトペ 「食事(しょくじ)」の様子(ようす)を表(あらわ)した日本語のオノマトペ集(しゅう)です。 2024.07.05 オノマトペ: Onomatopoeias
日本の歴史(れきし): Japanese history The kind and history of “Ramen” "Ramen" is worldwide food now a days, however, do you know the kind and history of "Ramen"? If not, learn about it by reading this article! 2024.03.15 日本の歴史(れきし): Japanese history日本文化(にほんぶんか):Japanese culture日本食(にほんしょく): Japanese foods
日本人の生活(せいかつ):Life of Japanese It’s “White Day” today!! ~Give a present for woman who gives you a chocolate on Valentine’s Day~ Do you know "White Day"? It's 14th March and the day to give a return gift of Valentine's Day in Japan! And each sweets and things have each meaning, so you should be careful to give a return gift!! 2024.03.14 日本人の生活(せいかつ):Life of Japanese日本人の習慣(しゅうかん): Japanese customs