Mika Panda Method

はじめに:At first

皆(みな)さん、こんにちは! ミカパンダです(^▽^)

Hello everyone! It’s Mika Panda;)


Now I’m making my original Japanese training material “Mika Panda Method”!


And it’s not a general teaching material to study grammer.


But it’s a training material to commit sample sentences to memory by understanding Japanese sentence’s constitution and a position of Japanese part of speech with voices!


If you understand Japanese sentence’s constitution and remember them perfectly, you can command what you want to say/write in Japanese by changing words.


The reason why I thought such a thing that I remembered over 200 English sentences for the entrance exam of universities!


That’s why I can communicate with you in English.


So, I want you to challenge to remember Japanese sentences!

サンプルと使(つか)い方(かた):The sample and the guide how to use it


Then, I’ll show you the somples of my training material.


I’m making the materials based on the Japanese text book named “Minna-no-nihongo”, but somple sentences are my original.


First, it starts with the contents.



And, deal with the theme one by one as per the contents.


Next, a sample sentence is desplayed. It explains you which is a subject, which is a verb, what is what and their positions with colored lines and there is also an English sentence.


By reading the sentence surely, practice a pronunciation until you remember it perfectly. And commit to your memory a constitution of the sentence; which is a subject, which is a verb, what is what and their positions.


And next page, there is a blanc in the sentence!


It means that you’re tested either you can recite it without the words or not with looking at the blanc page.


And check your answer is correct or not the before page after reciting, and if you mistake, practice to speak the sentence again until you can recite it perfectly.


After you recite the sentence perfectly, go to the next sentence. Read the sentence surely and practice the pronounce many times over also here.


From here, repeat the same thing. Until you can answer the sentences with looking at the blancs, practice and practice with perseverance.


And after practicing all of the example sentences, you reach this page.


After that page, there is a blanc page, and next there is a page with a sample sentence.



To sum up, I want you to practice with your full effort until you can recite looking at a blanc page! And then, as possible as you can, make it a everyday habit to check you forget them or not.


If you do that, your Japanese must be better!!


404 NOT FOUND | Japanese Language & Culture Salon by Mika Panda
Let's talk & study about Japan and Japanese Language!


404 NOT FOUND | Japanese Language & Culture Salon by Mika Panda
Let's talk & study about Japan and Japanese Language!


404 NOT FOUND | Japanese Language & Culture Salon by Mika Panda
Let's talk & study about Japan and Japanese Language!


404 NOT FOUND | Japanese Language & Culture Salon by Mika Panda
Let's talk & study about Japan and Japanese Language!

404 NOT FOUND | Japanese Language & Culture Salon by Mika Panda
Let's talk & study about Japan and Japanese Language!


404 NOT FOUND | Japanese Language & Culture Salon by Mika Panda
Let's talk & study about Japan and Japanese Language!















終(お)わりに:The final comment


How was it?


I’ll use them for my online-lesson.


On the other hands, if you don’t take my lesson but you want to study by yourself as hard as possible to speak Japanese, I recommend you to use it.

それでは、以上(いじょう)でMika Panda Methodのご説明(せつめい)を終(お)わりたいと思(おも)います!

Then, I’ll finish explaining about “Mika Panda Method”!


Thank you for reading until the last part!
